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Dear business friends,

we take pleasure in introducing you ASTRO Vlašim spol. s r.o., a packaging equipment producer with headquarters in Vlašim. The company was founded in 1992 and had a core team of 10 employees. Its objective was to contruct and manufacture very simple, reasonably priced packaging machines, suitable above all for small companies just starting out. Growing demand on the market has resulted in dynamic technical development and an expansion of production capacities to the current 45-odd empoloyees. Improved quality is confirmed by deliveries of complete lines not just to domestic companies, but also to renowned companies abroad.

The core programme for the future remains the development of Vertical Form Fill & Seal Machines and their accessories. In the production of this machinery emphasis is placed on the quality and unification of parts. An integral part of company strategy is providing a reliable guarante and post guarantee service, as well as supplies of spare parts. The products are approved and correspond to the standards for CE certification. They also comply with EU standards and carry the CE label. We are always prepared to react to any interest you might have and to deal with your requirements.

eu oppik mpo

OPPIK - Surface coating of functional parts of machines for more efficient packaging technology

Registration number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_045/0007356
The aim of the project is to offer customers the packaging of highly adhesive food products through the transfer of university knowledge and their subsequent practical use in the treatment of packaging machine surfaces.
The project is co-funded by the European Union.

eu oppik mzp

Decentralization of central heating in the area of ASTRO Vlašim spol. s r.o.

Registration number: CZ.05.2.32/0.0/0.0/15_008/0000982
The aim of the project is to change the boiler room for solid fuels to a gas boiler room and to decentralize the heating system.
The project is co-funded by the European Union.

eu oppik mpo

OPPIK – Support for the development of ASTRO Vlašim on foreign markets

Registration number: CZ.01.2111/0.0/0.0/16_047/0008685
The aim of the project is to present the company in the coming years through participation in selected trade fairs in order to strengthen its position in the sale of packaging machines and dispensers in selected European markets.
The project is co-funded by the European Union.