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Budova ASTRO Vlašim spol. s r.o.Stimati parteneri de afaceri,

permiteti-ne sa va prezentam Firma Astro Vlasim spol. Sro din Republica Ceha cu sediul in Vlasim, producator de tehnologie de ambalare.

Compania a fost infiintata in anul 1992 cu intentia de a produce masini de ambalat simple si convenabile pentru firmele mici infiintate in acea perioada. Cresterea cerintelor de pe piata a dus atat la o dezvoltare tehnica dinamica cat si la extinderea capacitatilor de productie. Cresterea continuua a calitatii este confirmata de livrarea de linii complete de ambalare atat pe piata interna cat si partenerilor externi renumiti.

Punctul central al programului ramane in continuare proiectarea si productia de masini de ambalat in folie tubulara inclusiv a echipamentului periferic. Accentul in productie se pune pe calitate si concordanta pieselor componente. O parte inseparabila a strategiei companiei este atat asigurarea serviciilor de garantie si postgarantie cat si a livrarilor pieselor de schimb. Produsele noastre sant aprobate si certificate dupa CCZ a GOST. In acelasi timp respecta normele EU si sant certificate cu CE. Va multumin pentru ca a-ti citit aceste pagini si santem mereu pregatiti sa reactionam la interesele dumneavoastra si sa luam in considerare cererile dumneavoastra.

OPPIK - Surface coating of functional parts of machines for more efficient packaging technology

Registration number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_045/0007356

The aim of the project is to offer customers the packaging of highly adhesive food products through the transfer of university knowledge and their subsequent practical use in the treatment of packaging machine surfaces.

The project is co-funded by the European Union.

OPŽP – Decentralization of central heating in the ASTRO Vlasim spol. s r.o.

Registration number: CZ.05.2.32/0.0/0.0/15_008/0000982

The project aims to change the boiler room with solid fuel boiler to gas heating system and decentralization.

The project is co-funded by the European Union.

OPPIK – Supporting the development of the company ASTRO Vlasim on foreign markets

Registration number: CZ.01.2111/0.0/0.0/16_047/0008685

The aim of the project is to present the company in the coming years through participation in selected fairs in order to strengthen its position in the sale of packaging machines and dispensers in selected European markets.

The project is co-funded by the European Union.